January 24, 2014: Tripping Over Liesl

I got up at five twenty this morning, showered and tripped over Liesl who had camped out on the floor in front of the bathroom door in the darkness so that she could be sure to get a hug and a kiss before I left for work. She didn’t want to go back to bed until she had seen me off. She is so sweet. Once she had given me a long hug she climbed into bed with Dominica and went back to sleep. This getting up midway through the night and then sleeping in late is becoming a pattern with her. She goes to bed around eleven, gets up for ten minutes around five and sleeps in until ten. Luciana almost always sleeps straight through the night.

Five degrees today as I headed in. At least it is warming up a little bit. I got into the office nice and early. I am glad today is Friday. It has been a short week but I am looking forward to a relaxed family weekend.

Thought that I would manage to make it home on the early side today but that didn’t work out.  Ended up getting stuck late working on a few things.  It wasn’t horrible but decently late making for a long day on a Friday.

Quiet evening with the family.  Not a very long one.

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