December 28, 2013: Movie Day

This morning the whole family got up and went out to the local movie theatre to see Disney’s new movie “Frozen.”  This is Luciana’s very first time going to a real movie theatre!  She has been to the drive in twice but never to a real theatre.  Liesl has been only once or twice and I do not believe that she has ever been with me.

“Frozen” was awesome, a truly classic Disney movie.  Really touching.  Luciana decided to climb directly onto my lap and watched the entire movie with me holding her.  She was so sweet.  Just snuggled up so sweet.  She seemed to really love the movie.  Liesl liked it too.

We watched several movies today. Back at the house we watched the rest of “Wreck It Ralph” that we started last night.  Dominica and I have never seen it.  Liesl has seen it before but was watching it again with us.  It’s cute.

This evening we all watched “Epic” which turned out to be not very good at all.  Very weak story and performance.

After everyone else went to bed, Dominica, Liesl and I stayed up and watched the Doctor Who Christmas Special that aired last week.  It was the final episode with Matt Smith as the Doctor.

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