November 19, 2013: New Route

On the way home tonight I tried a new route taking 124 through New Canaan’s downtown area. I had some challenges doing the route because there were all kinds of twists and turns but while getting lost I actually found some better ways to do the same route. So once I figure it out, I think that it might be pretty good. But there is no way to really tell until I don’t get lost – no way to tell if it saves a few minutes.

Tonight is our last night without furniture. We mostly sat in the basement. Sitting in the basement is no different than sitting in the living room except there is a computer and office chair for at least one of us to use. This is getting rough, but it is almost over.

We talked about our Thanksgiving plans. We have had some communications issues and we had no idea what we were thinking about doing. I thought that we were going out to spend the weekend with dad, that I was taking the train back to Peekskill and that Dominica and the girls were going on to Frankfort on Monday. Apparently we were at cross purposes.

The new plan is that we are staying home this weekend, which is probably good as we still have a lot to do even if the house is very empty. I’m quite behind after everything these last two months. This will give us a chance to relax a bit more and time for me to be productive. A good combination. Then on Monday, when I go to work, Dominica and the girls will drive out to dad’s house to spend a few days there. Then they will go to Frankfort on Wednesday, I think, which is when I will be heading there after work on Wednesday night. I have Thursday and Friday off from work so I have a four day weekend next week. After having just gotten back from a two week (16 day) vacation, this is pretty awesome. I’ve never had time off like this before. I have to get out to Frankfort on Wednesday because it is Liesl’s birthday!

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