September 13, 2013: Dan’s Fiftieth

So Dan turns fifty today, on 13 Sept 13.  Quite an unlucky day for him 🙂

Normal morning at work.  A bit busy.  Melissa texted me early so that we could coordinate sneaking her and their kids into the office to surprise Dan near the end of the day with birthday cake like she did last year.

Took forever before we were able to go get lunch.  It was one thirty by the time that we got to Redneck.  And once we got there I was stuck on a call for half an hour or more standing outside in the blazing sun so the sweat was just running off of my head.  Not fun.  But the call went really well and was well justified.

We hung out with Chelsey and Katy as long as we could – had a few beers to celebrate Dan’s birthday but between getting out of the office really late, me having that call to cover and having to get back subtly so that we could surprise Dan with the cake.  He wanted to stay longer but I had to talk him into leaving so that we could make it back in time.

Got back to the office and did a bit of deployment work tonight.  Not horrible.  Then Melissa dropped in with Dan’s cake at four thirty.  Mason snuck into his cubicle and scared him which was pretty funny.

Got out of work around six thirty.  Came home and did a little work with Dominica and AJ before ordering pizza.  Nick arrived around seven thirty and I worked with him and AJ till around ten thirty.

At eleven Dan said that he wanted me to take him back to Redneck for his birthday celebration.  He had been wanting to really go out but we were both tired so wanted something low key.  It’s Friday night and the weather is nice so the patio at Redneck is perfect – especially as Stefany was on so we could visit and Morgan was there too.  I haven’t seen Morgan at work in months.  Of course, I don’t try to see her there since I see her several times a week anyway.

We stayed at Redneck till they kicked us out at a quarter after two.  Home and straight to bed. Dominica was long asleep by the time that I got back.

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