February 26, 2006: The morning after

I woke up this morning and checked: yup, still thirty. Darn.

Actually I woke up around 7:30 and my stomach hurt (too many birthday cookies last night before going to bed.) So I had to get up significantly earlier than I had intended. I read more of Baseline and decided, after an hour or so, that I was not getting any better and that I couldn’t make it to Sunday School this morning. I have been really dehydrated for the past twenty-four hours as well, and I have been drinking tons of water.

Dominica decided to go to church anyway and to leave me home to continue the cleaning frenzy. There is always more cleaning to be done. I did dishes, cleaned floors, played with Oreo, took him outside several time (there is so much snow and it is so cold that he decided to not even leave the sidewalk, grrr,) played with him several times (he must be feeling a bit better with the amount that he has been wanting to play the last few days,) and cleaned up the coin/glass mess that occurred in the basement months ago but that I keep putting off cleaning up. It took me some time before I had a nice plastic container to start putting the coins into and since then I have been working on it a little at a time because it is such a pain to do. But I managed to get that all cleaned up today.

We thought that by me staying home with Oreo this morning that we would at least avoid having any accidents happen but that ended up not being the case. I am pretty sure that occassionaly Oreo gets one of his “attacks” from his blood problem and if it is in the right part of his body it causes him to lose control and to make a mess in the house. We were in the middle of playing fetch when it happened. He had just enough warning to run to the “feet wiping rug” that we keep by the deck door and he peed there. No warning or anything. One second he was playing and the next, oops. I am sure that he is not in any way doing it on purpose because he doesn’t prepare for it. It is all so fast that it must be related to his sickness. Poor little boy.

I also continued work on the demonstration email server this morning. A lot of that work involves small amount of work and lots of downloading and installation time (during this particular phase) so I am able to accomplish a lot of things at once.

At ten o’clock the snow plow dude was out plowing our driveways here in the complex. Ah, now this is the life. I can’t imagine having to plow my own driveway or just getting stuck because I don’t own a plow. I don’t ever want to give up townhouse/condo living.

Dominica did some birthday shopping on her way home from church and got me a birthday cheesecake and ice cream. Then she came home and helped with the cleaning. Her parents called and said that they were in Waterloo at 12:30 so we had more time than we had planned on having. Dominica invited my family over for cake and ice cream at 3:00. We are planning on having lunch with Dominica’s parents as soon as they arrive.

After cleaning Dominica settled down in the living room to relax and watch some Growing Pains. I got the remaining DVDs entered into the database that were not in there at all so far so that I could get them off of my desk. They have been sitting in the office for months.

Dominica’s parents arrived around 1:30. Oreo was very excited to see everybody. He and Dexter had a great time had a great time chasing each other back and forth across the house. Oreo loves when dogs come to visit him at home.

We all went out to lunch at the Omega Grill before everyone came over for the “birthday party”. We couldn’t stay long because we had to get back to the house. Everyone came over at 3:00. All of the Richardsons made it and dad too. So we had quite a full house. We had cheesecake and ice cream.

After everyone went home Dominica and I finished watched the first season of Growing Pains. Watching that show brings back so many memories. I can’t believe how well I remember each and every episode. It has been so many years since I have seen any episodes at all and yet I can practically quote most of them. It is almost as if I just watched them just a year or two ago. Isn’t it strange how some things just stick with you?

I kept working on getting our demonstration Scalix server up and running and Dominica watched 13 Going On 30 that she borrowed from dad last week. So far I am liking the Scalix system. It is the backend technical portion that interests me the most and, unfortunately, that is the most difficult portion to test when looking at a new product.

We tried watching Finding Neverland but it turns out that the DVD is bad and doesn’t play for even five minutes. So instead we decided to watch Must Love Dogs. Oreo appreciated the selection. He is very exhausted after his very busy day. He collapsed on his pillow in the living room and slept all evening. But he had fun today even though he is very likely going to be paying for it tomorrow.

I am not going down to Castile tomorrow. I have a lot of work that I want to get done and I just need some time in the office. I think that I am going to be doing some serious hardware work while helping Min study for her A+ exam. She is starting to get pretty close to being ready for that. Dad is going to be teaching tomorrow and then he is coming over to Geneseo at 6:00 so that the three of us can grab some quick dinner and then go to the Geneseo movie theatre to watch Disney’s new movie Eight Below.

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