February 18, 2006

Winter is here with a vengence. It is bitter cold today. Bitter, bitter cold. Boy I wish I was someplace else.

Oreo is making very good progress. Today has been his best day in over a week. He is far from being better but he is beginning to act like himself again for the first time in eleven or so days. He has been so sick that we have pretty much lost all of his personality. But today he actually wanted to spend time with me and even tried to play for a few minutes. Most of the day he just spent sleeping. Just like he did yesterday. In fact, with the exception of a couple of brief periods when he needed something from me (like a walk) he has slept solid for two days. His little stay at the vet must have really worn him out. Poor little boy.

While Dominica was at work I started doing a little work on designing a web based video database system. With the current size and unmanageability of the collection I decided that a good database based system was in order. So I set to work building one myself. A web based management system with a real database behind it so that we can have multiple users, track lots of details about the collection, keep track of who is borrowing what, etc.

Dominica came home from work and we relaxed by watching a few episodes of Growing Pains. I am so glad that that show if finally out. It is funny going back after all of these years and watching this show that I used to watch when I was just nine years old. Boy is that show ever corny. These early episodes are definitely filmed as just a bunch of ‘one-liners’ strung together into a basic plot. There is very little feel of continuity just from the way that the camera work is done and the way that the dialogue is delivered. But the script is very much just a series of jokes instead of a cohesive storyline. Very strange.

Sorry for the short post… enjoy the weekend.

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