February 4, 2005

Boy was it nice to get a real night’s sleep last night. Josh told me today that the site hasn’t been coming up for a few days. No one has told me and I have been working on it thinking that there wasn’t any problem. It works fine here. So, apprently all of the updates that I have been working on so diligently have been for naught. I would have hoped that someone would have mentioned an extended outage before now.

I had to run out this morning to run a few errands around town. I hit the bank and the Chamber of Commerce. While I was out there, I noticed that work on the new Starbucks has really been moving forward quite well and they have the new signs up on the building and out in front. It almost looks like they are open. Maybe they will be soon. Their new Chantico, drinking chocolate, is really good. I had a double yesterday while I was there. Min decided to play some AoE2 this afternoon so that she would be all ready for the game tonight. I am spending the afternoon continuing to work on the computers for the Castile school. The server appears to be ready so now it is just a matter of getting the desktop machines ready to go.

Normal work around the house this afternoon, nothing exciting. There never is.

We had a good turnout again this week. Tony wasn’t able to play because they got his report card today, but we had Andy, Min, Jeremy, Art, Danielle and I. And Michael played a little and spent most of the evening wathing movies or playing games on his own. It is a lot easier to play when you end up with an even number of players which has always been really hard for us to manage in the past. We didn’t play too late, just until 2:30 or so.

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