June 25, 2003

This morning I got up with a throbbing headache. It made for a long drive into the office with the sun blazing down on me. I got into the office around 10:30 and tried to work until around 2:00. By this time my head hurt so bad that I was starting to feel sick. So, since there really is nothing but babysitting for me to do at the hospital, I decided to drive on home to the hotel in Annapolis. I wasn’t tired but I was worn out. I set my laptop up on the little coffee table in the hotel room and watched the rest of Patton which was about 2.5 hours more of movie. While I was watching it I ordered a pizza from Dominoes. They make the best thin crust with onions and green peppers. Patton is a good movie. I learned a bit about WWII from that. I never really knew much of anything about our generals in the war.

After watching Patton, my pizza arrived and I watched Grave of the Fireflies which is a very sad Japanese piece, only 88 minutes, about two children who live in a small village on the outskirts of Hiroshima. The film is hard to follow but it is very sad and morose. It was good though and has been called one of the greatest war movies of all time.

I watched an episode of Drew Carrey and went to bed early. What a boring day! My head felt better after being in the dark and cold of the hotel room and taking a much needed shower to moisturize my sinuses.

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